Re:THINK Navigation and Transformation in Today’s Learning Landscape
May 10, 2016| In-person, Desautels Hall

View 2016 Call for Proposals

Topic intended to speak broadly to the changes within higher education. Participants engaged with questions that drew on larger debates both within and outside of the University of Toronto. How do we anticipate, leverage and even create transformative change? What specific teaching and learning practices can we engage in to best prepare our students for a changing world?

KEYNOTE: Provocations session

Intersections: Where Instructional Design Meets Learning Science
May 1, 2017| In-person, Desautels Hall

View 2017 Call for Proposals

Intersection Sub-Themes

• Learning Science + Pedagogy: Advances in the Disciplines

• Curriculum + Change: Renewal and Revision

• The World + the Lab + the Classroom: Experiential and Work-Integrated Learning

KEYNOTE: “Translating Learning Science into Teaching Practice” (Sanjay Sarma, Vice-President for Open Learning, Office of Digital Learning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Experience Integrative Learning
April 30, 2018 | In-person, Desautels Hall

Experience Integrative Learning
April 30, 2018 | In-person, Desautels Hall

View 2018 Call for Proposals

Sub-Themes (Integrations):

• Work-Integrative Learning

• Undergraduate Research

• International Engagement

• Community Engagement

• Entrepreneurship

• Assessment of Integrated Learning

KEYNOTE: “Promoting and Assessing Integrative Learning: Connecting Theory and Practice” (Elizabeth F. Barkley, Professor of Music History at Foothill College, Los Altos, California)

ELearning Spaces & Places
May 28, 2019 | In-person, Desautels Hall

View 2019 Call for Proposals

Conference Threads:

1. Inclusive Spaces

2. ndigenous Spaces

3. Physical Spaces

4. Relational Spaces

5. Dialogical Spaces

KEYNOTE: "Choice Architecture for Active Learning: Physical and Digital Learning Environments” (Adam Finkelstein, Associate Director, Learning Environments (Physical and Digital), Teaching and Learning Services, McGill University) with Student Perspectives from Chika Stacy Oriuwa, Faculty of Medicine and Aditya Rau, Trinity ’16

May 12-14, 2021 | Online

View 2021 Call for Proposals

Proposal Threads:

• Mentoring, coaching and network-building for teaching

• Indigenous Spaces

• Designing instruction with all in mind

• Mental health for instructors and learners

• Decolonising teaching and learning

• Experiential and community-based learning

• Inquiry and reflection

KEYNOTE: “Reimagining Impact Across Disciplines by Embracing a Beginner Mindset” (Nouman Ashraf, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Organizational Behavior, Rotman School of Management.

Designing for the Future
May 11-13, 2022 | Online

View 2022 Call for Proposals

Proposal Threads:

• Reflecting on What We’ve Learned

• Creating Caring Communities

• Designing instruction with all in mind

• Designing for Engaged and Accessible Learning

Special Design Thinking Plenary (May 11), Design Thinking Concurrent Session (May 12) hosted by Prof. Olivier St-Cyr, Faculty of Information

Taking Action – Building Belonging at U of T
May 3 (Online) and May 4 (In-person, Desautels Hall), 2023

View 2023 Call for Proposals

Proposal Threads:

• The Personal is Pedagogical

• Designing for Belonging in the Classroom

• Taking Action at Scale

Opening Plenary: “Cultivating Belonging: Shifting from understanding to action” facilitated byJasjit Sangha, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Anti-Racist Pedagogies, CTSI and Mairi McKenna Edwards, Coordinator, Diversity, Equity & Student Experience, Department of Curriculum Teaching & Learning

Closing Plenary: “Power and Empowerment: Honouring by Decision and Design” facilitated by Andratesha Fritzgerald, Strategic Partner – Building Blocks of Brilliance

1) What is a Classroom?
May 22 (online) and May 23, (In-person, Desautels Hall), 2024

View 2023 Draft Call for Proposals


Desautels Centre for Integrative Thinking
Rotman School of Management
105 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E6